Hi everybody,
the funny story first: have you heard about the guy in California who forged dollar bills? But not 1$ or 20$ bills, no that would be too easy. The guy forged BILLION dollar bills! Didn't he know that there is no such thing as a billion dollar bill? Maybe he thought, "why wasting time with change?" Too bad that some federal agents found the bogus bills in his apartment. On the bright side, the guy must be pretty creative...
Yesterday, I watched The Constant Gardener on DVD. I find the movie pretty touching. My husband, however, left the room after the first half of the film. He thinks it's boring. Men...! I don't know how to describe the movie. It's political but also a tragic love story. The Constant Gardener shows (again) how corrupt our world is and how the people of Africa will always be the loosers. I don't think the feature gives much reason to hope for a better future. However, the film also shows that there are people who care and I like to believe that each of us can make a little difference.
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