Germans are brainiest?
I found an interesting article on the internet. Prof Lynn's research results are flattering for Germans, but how superfluous this study is! I mean what is its objective? First of all, the concept of "IQ" is heavily debated anyway and secondly, what is the value of Lynn's results other than dividing the peoples of Europe? Well, maybe I shouldn't take this study too serious and just laugh about it, although this is probably not intended. After all it's no big news to me that Germans are smartest after visiting other European countries ;-)
But how brainy are Germans really? To find out, browse through my gallery of particularly brainy Germans: Brainy Germans playing Monopoly.
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Sulky, brainy, male German with happy female.
Brainy Germans shouldn't have children.
Friendly, brainy Germans.
Brainy German sucking on an icicle.
I sink zese great examples prove zat Germans are brainy by nature ;-)
Germans are certainly pretty smart when it comes to the art of reserving poolside sunbeds with beach towels. No other nationality comes close.
@ Rob: I think the Brits are the Germans' biggest competitors in this matter. Anyways, it sounds like you speak from your own poolside experience, huh?
yes.. we recently went to Spain and 90 % of the hotel guests were German. Apart from the towel thing though, i have say all the Germans we met were polite, friendly and smart, unlike the 10 % brits, who were rude, unfriendly and generally embarrassing. Including me.
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